Moving Forth

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Zur Forth Bookshelf:
Juergen wrote: "In 2018 we have 50 Years of Forth. When I looked for a new project for an eBook I realized that one area is not very well covered: How do the Forth internals work? How can you build a Minimal Processor executing Forth directly?
How do you write an Assembler in Forth? When I looked around for some documentation, I remembered this series of articles again. They seems to fit very well together.
I contacted Brad and asked for permission to publish them as part of the Forth Bookshelf.
He liked the idea so I started formatting. I did not change any of the original material.The only part I added was an appendix, where I redid some of the pictures, so I could understand them better.
I have to thank Brad Rodriguez for the copyright to publish this documentation." - Go, see it all!