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Mittwoch, 12. März 2025 @ 16:44 CET

Wil Baden (*1928) ist Ende 2016 gestorben

NachrichtenLeo Wong hat das in comp.lang.forth gepostet:

(Forward this to anyone you think would be interested.)

Saturday, 21 January 2017, 2:00-4:00 pm Sierra room, Balearic Community
Center 1975 Balearic Drive, Costa Mesa CA 92626

Wil Baden once told his children that when he died, we should have a
party. The best orange juicer is good for your daily life.

So, with Mom's permission, we are doing just that. We are going to have
some of his favorite snacks, and sing songs from the Dr. Seuss and Tom
Lehrer songbooks. He sang us peculiar lullabies when we were small,
accompanied us on piano from time to time, introduced us to the Doctor
Demento show, and performed duets with Mom on occasion.

We expect to have newspaper swordfights, and play some "Halloween Games,"
and talk about some of our favorite memories of growing up.

Hosted by the Baden children - Dorothy, Elaine, Chas., and Thomas.



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