eForth - by Dr. C.H. Ting - jetzt als ebook erhältlich

Zu finden in der Forth eBook Serie
PS: Bernd Paysan hatte die „Primitiven“ mal auf ein absolutes Minimum reduziert, siehe:
English version: click (mehr) button below.
Dr. C.H. Ting: "Before diving directly into eForth, I would like to discuss the general principles of Forth language. The language consists of a collection of words, which reside in the memory of a computer and can be executed by entering their names on the computer keyboard. A list of words can be compiled, given a new name and made a new word. In fact, most words in Forth are defined as lists of existing words. A small set of primitive words are defined in machine code of the native CPU. All other words are built from this primitive words and eventually refer to them when executed."
You find it in the Forth eBook Serie
PS: Bernd Paysan reduced the „primitives“ to the absolut minimum: