450 Forth Computer beim Scouts Event ...

Hier das Video dazu: https://tv.theiet.org/?videoid=7386
Und da findet ihr wie es dazu kam: http://www.eurocircuits.com/blog/posts/page-1
Gratuliere dir, Juergen, und den vielen Sponsoren, die du da zusammengetrommelt hattest, zu dem gelungen Projekt!
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450 Forth Computers built at Scouts Event ...
Friday, 20. November 2015 @ 20:52 CET
450 Forth Computers based on the MSP430 got soldered together, and then connected to a large display panel. As you can see, there was no soldering experience required. After soldering and testing – now programming in Forth will be the next step.
See the Video: https://tv.theiet.org/?videoid=7386
And more you can find at one of the donors: http://www.eurocircuits.com/blog/posts/page-1
Congratulations Juergen, and as well to the donors and supporters that you got together to make it happen for the IET and the scouts – a successful project!