Neu im Mikrokontroller Verleih: Das Motorola HCS08 Starterkit. Dieses Kit wurde von Frank Buss gespendet. Wer möchte Forth auf diesem Prozessor zum laufen bringen?
Da der Mikrokontroller Shop in naher Zukunft umgebaut wird, kann das HCS08 Starterkit derzeit ganz unbürokratisch per E-Mail an mikrocontrollerverleih@forth-ev.de ausgeliehen werden.
Das HCS08 Starterkit besteht aus:
- HCS08 Board
- USB Anschlusskabel
- PK-HCS08GB60 User Manual (englisch)
- CD-ROM Systemsoftware
- CD-ROM CodeWarrior Entwicklungsumgebung
- Poster MC9S08G860 Easy Reference
Information bei FreeScale
High-performance and low power, the HCS08 does not sacrifice performance to provide low power 1.8 V operation. I have to say this is the best crossbow for hunting.
HCS08 Features
- Multiple power management modes, including a 20 nanoamp (nA) power-down mode.
- A zero-component auto-wakeup from "stop" to help reduce costs and reduce power to 0.7 microamp (uA) - Up to 40 MHz CPU/20 MHz bus at 2.1 V and 16 MHz CPU/8 MHz bus at 1.8 V
- A programmable internal clock generator with temperature and voltage compensation (typical drift < 2%) designed for reliable communications, fast start up and reduced system cost
- In-application reprogramming and data storage via third-generation 0.25µ flash technology
- High integration including four serial communication ports, up to 8 timer/PWMs, and an 8-channel 10-bit analog-to-digital converter specified down to 1.8 V.