\ cas 10nov05 This file is used for reconfiguring the Forth System You can only reconfigure a system that does not contain any additional task. INCLUDE SYSTEM.CFG will reconfigure and cold-boot the system. Reconfiguration takes place by overwriting some cold-boot literals that determine the location of the stacks and the highest address used by the system which happens to be the end of the topmost block-buffer. It can be used to tailor the size of an application below 64k and to allocate more stack and/or dictionary space if necessary \ stackdepth returnstackdepth #buffers -- ks 30 apr 88 3 arguments empty : reconfigure ( stack rstack #buffers -- ) up@ 2+ @ 4+ Abort" no tasks allowed" b/buf * >r 2dup + 2+ 0 r> 0 d+ IF drop 0 cr ." fewer buffers allocated" bell THEN ['] limit >body ! over + ['] r0 >body c@ origin + ! 6 - ['] s0 >body c@ origin + ! $80 off cold ; reconfigure