cas 10nov05
Video display interface for an ANSI.SYS interface.
It should work on any MS-DOS computer. Since ANSI.SYS does
not have a delete line function, split screen can not
be implemented as usual. Instead, the cursor "rotates"
ie. when a CR is performed on the bottom line, the cursor
moves up to the top line in the current window.

\ ansi cursor control                                cas 10nov05

| : (char"    "lit count bounds DO I c@ charout LOOP ;
| : char"     compile (char" ," align ; immediate restrict

| Ascii 0 Constant #0

| : (#S)  ( u -- )  &10 /mod  #0 + charout   #0 + charout ;

: (at  ( row col -- )     char" ["
swap 1+ (#S) char" ;" 1+ (#S) char" H" ;

| : )##(  ( -- u )   (key #0 - &10 *   (key #0 -  + ;

1 4 +thru   .( ANSI display interface active) cr
\ Ansi Standard display output                       cas 10nov05
| : keydrop    (key drop ;

: (at?    char" "    keydrop   keydrop
)##( 1-  keydrop  )##( 1-  keydrop keydrop ;

Variable top   top off

: full         top off ;

: blankline    char" " ;
| : lineerase    0 (at blankline ;

: normal     char" " ;  : invers     char" " ;
: underline  char" " ;  : bright     char" " ;

\ Ansi Standard display output                       cas 10nov05

' 2drop Alias curshape
' drop  Alias setpage
' (at?  Alias curat?

: (type  ( addr len -- )   pad place
pad count bounds ?DO  I c@ (emit  LOOP ;

: (cr   top @ 0=  adr .status @ ['] noop = and
IF  (cr exit  THEN   row c/col 2- u<
IF  row 1+  ELSE  top @  THEN  lineerase ;

: (page   top @ 0= IF  char" " exit  THEN
top @ c/col 2- DO  I lineerase  -1 +LOOP ;

\ statusline                                         cas 10nov05

' (cr   ' display   4 + !  ' (type ' display   6 + !
' (page ' display &10 + !
' (at   ' display &12 + !  ' (at?  ' display &14 + !

: .sp      ( n -- )  ."  s" depth   swap 1+ - 2 .r ;
: .base    base @  decimal dup 2 .r   base ! ;
: (.drv    ( n -- )   Ascii A + emit ." : " ;
: .dr      ."   " drv (.drv ;
: .scr     blk @ IF  ."   Blk" blk  ELSE  ."   Scr" scr  THEN
@ 5 .r ;
: .space   ."   Dic" s0 @ here $100 + - 6 u.r ;

\ statusline                                         cas 10nov05

| : fstat  ( n -- )   invers .base .sp
.space .scr .dr file? 2 spaces order normal ;

: .stat    output @  (at?   display  c/col 1- 0 (at
3 fstat blankline   (at  output ! ;

: +stat   ['] .stat Is .status  .status ;

: -stat   [']  noop Is .status ;