\ \ Last change: KS 02.11.2015 10:53:52 \ \ MicroCore load screen for simulation. \ It produces a VHDL-file that models the program memory. \ Only Forth also definitions hex [IFDEF] empty unpatch empty [ENDIF] Marker empty include gforth-config.fs \ Some System word (re)definitions for a more sympathetic environment include vhdl.fs \ simple VHDL interpreter for constants include ../uCore/constants.vhd include microcore.fs \ the cross-compiler include images.fs \ object code output files include disasm.fs \ the disassembler include constants.fs \ MicroCore Register addresses and bits new Target \ reset target compiler and go into target compilation mode 8 trap-addr code-origin 0 data-origin include forth.fs include float.fs : boot ( -- ) &1000 r>t t>r BEGIN REPEAT ; #reset TRAP: rst ( -- ) boot ; \ compile branch to TEST at reset vector location #isr TRAP: isr ( -- ) ints@ drop IRET ; #esr TRAP: esr ( -- ) r> 1- BRANCH ; \ retry instruction end MEM-file program.mem .( sim.fs written to program.mem )