PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "e! i! e@ i! umgedreht" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 2467. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn add g4w32f.fs A g4w32f.fs PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "windows version added" Sending g4Log.txt Adding g4w32f.fs Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 2465. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added: R( changed: ( " Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1912. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added: within" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1909. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added: _$" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1795. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "fixed: rp_store rp_fetch up_fetch up_store deferfetch deferstore" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1754. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~ michael$ cd g4 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " HELP updated" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1736. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~ michael$ cd g4 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " pick" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1733. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " only forth also definitions show-wordlist" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1598. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " 0= fixed" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1525. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "debuged: cells" Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1512. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " bug report: to does not work; code manual. " Sending g4.fs Sending g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1508. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " g4Log.txt " Adding (bin) Version Control with Subversion.webarchive Adding g4Log.txt Transmitting file data .. Committed revision 1505. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "user" 2009-11-16 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "loop +loop ( bugreport) " Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1501. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "fixed dot_s" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1392. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added: set-order get-order set-current get-current" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1288. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "adjusted: greaterzero lesszero sp_fetch sp_store" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1226. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~ michael$ cd g4 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added note: Nno character handling in names" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 1138. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~ michael$ cd g4 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "fixed: variable" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 942. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "debugded: ['] is " Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 922. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "in-definition calculation on/off with [ ] ov er several lines" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 903. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "added amforth-3.1 header dotquote squote" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 902. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m " amforth version switch included " Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 900. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ svn ci -m "[ ] literal, amforth3.1 strings" Sending g4.fs Transmitting file data . Committed revision 900. PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ ( Um svn abzubrechen: ) ^C svn: Caught signal PowerBook:~ michael$ PowerBook:~ michael$ svn co http://www.forth-ev.de/repos/g4 A g4/g4.fs Checked out revision 898. PowerBook:~ michael$ cd g4 PowerBook:~/g4 michael$ ls g4.fs