\ Turtle graphics window 09jun02py script? 0 to script? include turtle.m to script? turtle ptr turtle-win also minos : init-turtle turtle new bind turtle-win turtle-win self 0 s" Turtle Graphics" open-component ; : fd turtle-win graphics with path fd stroke endwith ; : bk turtle-win graphics with path bk stroke endwith ; : lt turtle-win graphics lt ; : rt turtle-win graphics rt ; : bezier ( s2 alpha s1 -- ) turtle-win graphics with path stroke endwith ; : steps ( w h -- ) 2dup 2/ swap 2/ swap turtle-win homepos 2! turtle-win graphics with 2dup steps 2/ swap 2/ swap home! endwith ; : home! ( x y -- ) turtle-win graphics home! ; : text ( addr u -- ) turtle-win graphics text ; : textpos ( x y -- ) turtle-win graphics textpos ; : clear ( x y -- ) turtle-win graphics clear ; : up ( -- ) turtle-win graphics up ; : down ( -- ) turtle-win graphics down ; : home turtle-win homepos 2@ turtle-win graphics with path home! 0 0 to stroke endwith ; \ some examples 09jun02py : rectangle ( n -- ) 4 0 DO dup fd 90 rt LOOP drop ; : circle ( n -- ) 36 0 DO dup fd 10 rt LOOP drop ; previous \ usage examples 09jun02py init-turtle 100 100 steps 40 rectangle 4 circle