\\ *** Decompiler/Tracer *** 02sep09py This file contains the decompiler for optimized code, which corresponds to the usual decompiler for a tracer. In addition, it also can produce recompilable source code. The tracer in the last part of this file can trace optimized code, but beware: stack changes don't always have the expected result, since sometimes the TOS is really a constant that's already part of the program code. \ Loadscreen 23jun12py$22 +load Module tools $34 +load 4 Value /indent ?head @ 1 ?head ! $01 $1C +thru ?head ! $1D $21 +thru \needs disline : disline base push hex ." code "dup w@ 4 .r 2+ ; ' disline IS disassemble $23 +load \ Load tracer export: drop initdecom export tools see dsee dump du dl ? d' vocs >debug debug trace' BP: BP'on BP'off B~~ (~~) ~~, ~~ tab traceall notrace becomes ; Module; \ Variablen und Ausgabehilfen 12aug93pyUser mfield $20 cell- uallot drop User macro+ cell uallot drop User /macro : initdecom macro+ off /macro off ; initdecom User thenbranch $F cells uallot drop User beginbranch $F cells uallot drop User push> User @tos User n? \ N oder Decompiler? User indent 0 indent ! : tab ( n -- ) col - 0 max spaces ; : tab1 &10 tab ; : +indent ( n -- ) indent +! indent @ tab ; : cr? n? @ ?exit col indent @ = 0= IF cr indent @ spaces THEN ; : +ind /indent +indent ; : -cr? /indent negate +indent cr? ; : cfa# ( cfa -- cfa n ) dup 2- wx@ abs ; Code instab R: \ Insert-Table 21nov93pyBEGIN :ax w, :S R: AX push THEN BEGIN :lit w, :S R: AX push THEN BEGIN :dx w, :S R: DX pop THEN BEGIN :dx> w, :S R: AX DX mov AX pop THEN BEGIN :+loop w, :S R: AX loopreg add AX pop THEN BEGIN :cdx w, :S R: DX pop AX DX cmp THEN BEGIN :? w, :S R: AX AX test THEN BEGIN :+ w, :S R: DX pop DX AX add THEN BEGIN :- w, :S R: DX pop DX AX xchg DX AX sub THEN BEGIN :or w, :S R: DX pop DX AX or THEN BEGIN :and w, :S R: DX pop DX AX and THEN BEGIN :xor w, :S R: DX pop DX AX xor THEN BEGIN :@ w, :S R: AX ) AX mov THEN BEGIN :c@ w, :S R: .b AX ) AX movzx THEN BEGIN :! w, :S R: AX ) pop THEN end-code \ !begin lit? 01apr93py: macro+! [ ' instab dup 2- w@ bounds swap ] Aliteral Aliteral DO dup i c@ = IF i 1+ count macro+ place LEAVE THEN i 1+ c@ 2+ +LOOP drop ; : !begin ( addr -- ) initdecom opttab #opt bounds DO dup I 1+ count over + within IF I c@ push> ! LEAVE THEN I 1+ c@ 2+ +LOOP dup 5 + c@ /macro ! 1+ c@ macro+! ; : findtab ( reg -- addr count ) opttab BEGIN 2dup c@ = 0= WHILE 1+ count + REPEAT nip 1+ count ; : findit ( cfa n -- addr/0 ) >r cfa# 3 - false r> findtab bounds DO 2 pick 2 pick I 3+ c@ - mfield -text 0= IF true 2 pick I 3+ c@ - mfield + I 5 + count bounds ?DO i c@ ?dup IF over c@ = 0= IF 2drop false 0 LEAVE THEN THEN 1+ LOOP drop IF drop I LEAVE THEN THEN i 5 + c@ 6+ +LOOP nip nip ; \ instance? var? value? .nfa .nfa? (.lit 16mar93py: instance? ( addr pfa -- flag ) swap dup [ Memory ] HeapStart HeapEnd [ FORTH ] within IF dup body> under = 0= IF cfa@ = exit THEN THEN 2drop false ; : var? ( addr -- flag ) [ ' udp cfa@ ] Aliteral instance? ; : value? ( addr -- flag ) [ ' c/l cfa@ ] Aliteral instance? ; : .nfa ( nfa -- ) ?dup IF count $1F and type ELSE ." ???" THEN space ; : .cfaname ( cfa -- ) >name .nfa ; : .nfa? ( cfa -- ) dup >name dup IF .nfa drop exit THEN drop >body . ; : (.lit ( lit -- ) dup >name dup IF ." ['] " .nfa drop exit THEN drop dup var? IF body> .nfa? exit THEN . ; \ .lit >mfield 03nov01py : >mfield ( IP -- IP ) macro+ count mfield swap move dup /macro @ + mfield $20 macro+ c@ /string move ; : ?S~R ( IP -- IP' ) dup w@ $F487 = IF 2+ 0 ELSE $F48702 THEN macro+ ! /macro off ; : !S~R ( IP -- IP' ) /macro off dup w@ $F487 = IF 2+ 0 ELSE mfield 9 + c@ $58 = IF 1+ $F48702 ELSE $50F48703 THEN THEN macro+ ! ; : >S~R ( IP -- IP IP' ) dup macro+ c@ 0= IF dup 2- w@ $F487 = IF 2- ELSE push> @ :s = 0= 2* - THEN THEN ; : 0= IF ?S~R swap 2dup - + swap THEN ; : .to ( addr -- ) n? @ 0= IF drop exit THEN ." to " . ; \ literals 05mar00pyUser lastlit | : n+ 1 + ; | : n@ 1 @ ; | : nc@ 1 c@ ; : .(@ dup value? IF dup body> >name dup IF .nfa drop exit THEN drop THEN dup var? IF body> .nfa? ELSE . THEN ." @ " ; : .(c@ dup var? IF body> .nfa? ELSE . THEN ." c@ " ; : lit? ( -- lit# ) mfield @ $B850F487 = dup 0= IF drop ['] n+ :#+ findit THEN dup 0= IF drop ['] n@ :#@ findit THEN dup 0= IF drop ['] nc@ :#c@ findit THEN dup 0= IF drop ['] 1 :lit findit THEN ; \ literals 03nov01py Variable lastlit@ lastlit@ off : .lit ( IP lit# -- IP' ) macro+ c@ /macro @ - >r initdecom dup 0> IF dup !begin dup 2+ c@ dup $7F > IF -$80 or THEN push> @ :#+ = + ELSE 0 THEN mfield 4+ + lastlit ! swap 2 r> - + swap push> @ :#@ = IF lastlit @ @ .(@ ELSE push> @ :#c@ = IF lastlit @ 2+ @ .(c@ swap 2+ swap ELSE lastlit @ @ over dup 0> IF c@ :#@ = ELSE 0> THEN IF lastlit@ ! ELSE (.lit THEN THEN THEN push> @ :#+ = IF swap 1- swap ." + " THEN dup 0> IF 3+ c@ - 6+ ELSE drop 6+ ?S~R THEN ; \ .branch .then 03jun97py : branch? ( -- flag ) mfield @ $FFFFFF and $E9F487 = ; : .branch 3+ macro+ c@ - dup @ 2dup + cell+ swap 0< IF -cr? over 4+ thenbranch dup @ cells + @ = IF ." REPEAT " -1 thenbranch +! ELSE ." AGAIN " THEN .to 4+ ?S~R exit THEN dup 6 ['] unloop 2+ -text 0= IF ." LEAVE " drop 4+ ?S~R exit THEN -cr? over 4+ thenbranch dup @ cells + @ = IF ." ELSE " +ind ELSE ." AHEAD " 1 thenbranch +! THEN dup .to dup thenbranch dup @ dup IF $10 min cells + ! ELSE 2drop drop THEN drop 4+ ?S~R ; \ "?branch 03jun97py : "?branch ( flag# IP - flag# string -1/0/1 ) 1+ dup @ under + cell+ swap 0< IF drop " UNTIL " -cr? false exit THEN dup 6 ['] unloop 2+ -text 0= IF drop 1 xor " ?LEAVE " false exit THEN dup cell- @ -$8000 u> IF " WHILE " 1 ELSE cr? " IF " true THEN >r swap 1 thenbranch +! thenbranch dup @ $10 min cells + ! r> ; : .then ( IP - IP ) BEGIN >S~R thenbranch @ ?dup WHILE $10 min cells thenbranch + @ over = WHILE col indent @ = IF at? /indent - at THEN -1 thenbranch +! ." THEN " -cr? " ," U> 0= " ," " ," " ," " ," " ," < 0= " ," < " ," > " ," > 0= " : branchflag branchtable swap 0 ?DO count + LOOP ; : ?ind dup 0> IF cr? THEN 0< IF +ind THEN ; : .comp ( IP -- IP' ) 7 + /macro @ macro+ c@ - + dup c@ $F and over "?branch >r >r branchflag count type r> count type r> ?ind 5 + initdecom dup dup cell- @ + .to ?S~R ; \ .test 08jun01py: test? ( -- flag ) mfield $A ['] within -text 0= IF mfield $A + @ $F0FFFF and $800F58 = ?dup ?exit THEN mfield 2@ swap $F0FFFF and $800F.58.C085.F487 d= mfield 2@ swap $F0 and $800F.58.F487 d= or ; Create testtable 4 c, ," " 5 c, ," 0= " 6 c, ," WITHIN " 7 c, ," WITHIN 0= " $8 c, ," 0< 0= " $9 c, ," 0< " $E c, ," 0> " $F c, ," 0> 0= ": testflag ( n -- string ) >r testtable BEGIN count r@ = 0= WHILE count + REPEAT rdrop ; : .test ( IP -- IP' ) dup >r mfield 2+ w@ $C085 = IF 2+ THEN mfield $A ['] within -text 0= IF 8+ THEN 4+ dup r> - >r /macro @ + macro+ c@ - r> mfield + c@ $F and over "?branch >r >r testflag count type r> count type r> ?ind 5 + initdecom dup dup cell- @ + .to ?S~R ; \ ?begin .begin >begin 12aug93py: ?begin ( IP -- ) dup 2+ swap c@ $E9 = + dup @ dup -$8000 u> IF cell+ + 1 beginbranch +! beginbranch cell+ dup dup cell- @ $10 min 1- 0 max cells + ?DO dup i cell- @ > IF i cell- @ i ! ELSE i ! unloop exit THEN -cell +LOOP beginbranch cell+ ! exit THEN 2drop ; : >begin ( endaddr cfa -- endaddr cfa ) beginbranch off 2dup ?DO i w@ dup $810F = 0= IF dup $F0FF and $800F = swap $FF and $E9 = or IF i ?begin THEN ELSE drop THEN LOOP ; : .begin ( IP - IP' ) >S~R BEGIN beginbranch @ ?dup WHILE $10 min cells beginbranch + @ over = WHILE cr? -1 beginbranch +! ." BEGIN " +ind WHILE 0 # -1 SI D) cmp 0= WHILE 3 # SI add 3 # DI add 3 # CX sub <= UNTIL CX pop AX pop ret THEN THEN 0= IF CX pop 8 # SP add 2 # CX add CX $18 SP D) mov popa -1 # AX mov CX push Next THEN DI dec SI dec CX dec 0< IF DI dec SI dec CX inc THEN 0= IF .w $F487 # SI ) cmp 0= IF CX pop 8 # SP add 2 # CX add CX $18 SP D) mov popa -2 # AX mov CX push Next THEN THEN \ (macrocomp Fortsetzung 26oct93py 3 SI CX DI) AL mov $7F # AX and 0= IF CX pop AX pop ret THEN :f # AX cmp 0= IF 7 # CX cmp 0= IF .b $0F # 1 DI D) cmp 0= IF .w 1 DI D) AX mov ELSE 1 DI D) AH mov $0F # AL mov THEN $0F # AH and $90 # AH or .w AX SI ) cmp 0= IF CX pop 8 # SP add 2 # CX add CX $18 SP D) mov .b $0F # 1 DI D) cmp 0= IF popa -3 # AX mov ELSE popa -4 # AX mov THEN CX push Next THEN THEN CX pop AX pop ret THEN \ (macrocomp Fortsetzung 25oct93py SI CX I) BP lea opttab A# SI mov #opt # BX mov BEGIN AL SI ) cmp 0= IF SI inc .b lods AL BX movzx BEGIN 3 SI D) CL cmp 0= IF CX push BP push SI push DI push .b 2 SI D) CX movsx CX BP add .b 5 SI D) CX movzx 6 # SI add BEGIN CX CX test 0<> WHILE repe .b cmps 0<> WHILE .b 0 # -1 SI D) cmp 0= WHILE CX BP sub -1 BP D) AL mov -1 DI D) AL cmp 0= WHILE CX BP add REPEAT THEN THEN THEN DI pop SI pop BP pop 0= IF CX pop CX pop 8 # SP add 2 # CX add CX $18 SP D) mov SI $1C SP D) mov popa CX push Next THEN CX pop THEN CX push 5 SI D) CL mov 6 # CX add CX SI add CX BX sub CX pop <= UNTIL CX pop AX pop ret THEN\ find macro 25oct93py SI inc AX push .b lods AX SI add AX inc AX inc AX BX sub AX pop <= UNTIL CX pop AX pop ret end-code code ((macro? ( thread addr -- cfa t/f ) DX pop pusha BEGIN DX ) DX mov DX DX test 0<> WHILE 4 DX D) CL mov $3F # CX and 5 # CX btr 5 CX DX DI) CX lea b IF CX ) CX mov 2 # CX sub THEN .w -1 # CX ) cmp < IF (macrocomp rel) call THEN REPEAT popa AX AX xor Next end-code : (macro? ( addr -- cfa f ) context @ over ((macro? dup IF rot drop exit THEN drop voc-link BEGIN @ dup WHILE 2dup 8 - swap ((macro? dup IF 2swap 2drop exit THEN drop REPEAT ; \ macro? 02nov01py: macro? ( -- cfa f ) mfield (macro? over ['] dup = @tos @ :ax = and IF drop 0 THEN ; User macrolen : >macrolen ( cfa flag -- cfa flag ) dup IF over 2- wx@ invert macrolen ! /macro @ macro+ c@ - macrolen +! macro+ off THEN /macro off dup 0> IF dup !begin dup 4+ c@ over 3+ c@ - macrolen +! THEN -2 case? IF $F48702 macro+ ! exit THEN -3 case? IF $85F48707.840F58C0 macro+ 2! -2 macrolen +! 3 /macro ! exit THEN -4 = IF $85F48706.007458C0 macro+ 2! -1 macrolen +! 0 /macro ! THEN ; : call? ( -- flag ) mfield c@ $E8 = ; defer disassemble \ call? .call 17oct99py: user# ( IP -- IP' n ) mfield 4+ c@ $C7 and dup $45 = IF drop 6+ mfield 5 + c@ ELSE $85 = IF 6+ mfield 5 + @ THEN THEN ; : user? ( n -- cfa flag ) $8D50F487 pad ! dup $80 < IF $45 swap pad 5 + c! 6 ELSE $85 swap pad 5 + ! 9 THEN pad + $F487 swap w! pad 4+ c! pad (macro? ; : defer? ( n -- cfa flag ) $95FF pad w! pad 2+ ! pad (macro? ; : ?user mfield @ dup $8D50F487 = swap $8F50F487 = or mfield 4+ c@ dup $45 = swap $85 = or and ; : user@? ( -- flag ) ['] dp :susr@ findit dup 0= IF drop ['] lastlit :user@ findit THEN ; : .user@ ( IP user@# -- IP' ) swap /macro @ + macro+ c@ - swap !begin 3 - user# user? IF .cfaname ." @ " exit THEN dup user# nip ." UP@ " . ." + @ " ; \ .macro 03nov01py: .macro ( addr cfa flag -- ) >macrolen ['] (LOOP case? IF -cr? ." LOOP " macrolen @ + 4+ exit THEN ['] (+LOOP case? IF -cr? ." +LOOP " macrolen @ + 4+ exit THEN ['] (NEXT case? IF -cr? ." NEXT " macrolen @ + 4+ exit THEN dup ['] @ = IF lastlit@ @ IF drop lastlit@ dup @ swap off .(@ macrolen @ + macro+ c@ - exit THEN THEN dup ['] .a1 = over ['] .a2 = or over ['] .a3 = or 0= IF .cfaname ELSE drop THEN macrolen @ + macro+ c@ - ; : .user ( IP -- IP' ) /macro @ macro+ c@ - + user# dup defer? IF nip ." & " .cfaname ELSE drop user? IF .cfaname ELSE drop ." ??? " THEN THEN mfield 4+ c@ $85 = IF 3+ THEN mfield 3+ c@ $8F = IF :! macro+! /macro off ELSE ?S~R THEN ; \ .@ .! 02sep09py: !? ( -- flag ) mfield @ $8F50F487 = mfield cell+ c@ $05 = and ; : .! ( IP -- IP' ) 6+ /macro @ + !S~R mfield 5 + @ dup [ Memory ] HeapStart HeapEnd [ FORTH ] within IF dup dup >r 1- c@ $BA = r> 4+ w@ $E2FF = and IF dup 1- >name dup IF ." IS " .nfa drop exit THEN drop THEN dup value? IF ." TO " body> .nfa? exit THEN THEN (.lit ." ! " ; : .does> ( IP -- IP' ) >mfield macro? dup IF over ['] r> = IF >macrolen drop true ELSE 2drop false THEN THEN IF ." DOES> " macrolen @ + macro+ c@ - ELSE ." ;CODE " THEN ; : .exit ( endaddr IP -- endaddr IP ) 2dup > 0= IF ." ; " 2drop initdecom cr rdrop rdrop ELSE ." EXIT " ( :s push> ! ) THEN ; \ .exit .string 14jul96py : ."_ Ascii " emit space ; : .string ( IP addr count -- IP' ) under >r >r >r count dup r> + 2+ col + cols $10 - > IF cr? THEN r> r> type space 2dup type + aligned ."_ ; : .compile ( IP cfa -- IP ) drop dup @ dup >name dup IF ." COMPILE " .nfa drop ELSE ." (COMPILE [ " drop . ." A, ] " THEN cell+ ; : "name count $1F and 1 /string ; : . exit THEN dup >name dup IF dup c@ $40 and IF ." COMPILE " THEN .nfa drop ELSE drop ." [ " . ." cfa, ] " THEN ; : .call ( IP -- IP' ) ." call " dup >body swap cfa@ .cfa ; \ decom 03nov01py: (decom ( IP -- IP' ) push> off dup >r macro+ c@ 2 = IF ?S~R THEN >mfield call? IF .call rdrop exit THEN ?user IF .user rdrop exit THEN test? IF .test rdrop exit THEN comp? IF .comp rdrop exit THEN branch? IF .branch rdrop exit THEN !? IF .! rdrop exit THEN lit? dup IF .lit rdrop exit THEN drop user@? dup IF .user@ rdrop exit THEN drop macro? dup IF .macro rdrop exit THEN 2drop drop r> /macro @ + initdecom n? @ 0= IF cr? dup 6 u.r ." :" THEN disassemble n? @ 0= IF cr THEN ; : decom ( IP -- IP' ) push> @ @tos ! BEGIN (decom lastlit@ @ 0= UNTIL ; \ .word .pfa 02sep09py : .word ( IP -- IP' ) dup >mfield drop call? IF dup cfa@ >r >body r> .cfa exit THEN mfield @ $F487F487 = dup cell and mfield + c@ $C3 = IF 2* - .exit 1+ exit THEN drop decom ; : (.pfa ( ende pfa -- ) >begin BEGIN .then .begin .word >r thenbranch dup @ $10 min cells + @ max r> ?cr col 0= IF indent @ spaces THEN stop? UNTIL 2drop initdecom cr ; : .pfa ( pfa -- ) 2 +indent cfa# 1- bounds (.pfa indent off ; \ .immediate .Value .variable 26oct93py : .immediate ( cfa - ) >name ?dup 0= ?exit dup name> 2- wx@ 0< IF ." macro " THEN c@ dup $40 and IF ." immediate " THEN $80 and IF ." restrict" THEN ; : .Value ( cfa - ) dup >body @ . ." Value " .cfaname ; : .variable ( cfa - ) ." Variable " dup .cfaname 2 spaces dup >body @ . .cfaname ." ! " ; \ display category of word 18apr93py : .: ( cfa - ) ." : " dup .cfaname cr? .pfa ; : .user-variable ( cfa - ) ." User " dup .cfaname 2 spaces dup execute @ . .cfaname ." ! " ; Patch (see : .(defer ( cfa -- ) dup .cfaname dup >body @ dup (see ." ' " .cfaname ." IS " .cfaname cr ; : .defer ( cfa - ) ." Defer " .(defer ; : .patch ( cfa - ) ." Patch " .(defer ; \ .other und .code 02sep09py : .others ( cfa -- ) initdecom dup 2- 7 [ ' base 2- ] ALiteral -text 0= IF .user-variable exit THEN dup 2- 7 [ ' current 2- ] ALiteral -text 0= IF .user-variable exit THEN dup 2- @ $95FFFFF9 = IF .defer exit THEN dup 2- @ $FFFFFF and $00BA0000 = IF .patch exit THEN dup 2- w@ IF .: exit THEN ." Create " dup .cfaname cfa@ cr? .does> macrolen @ macro+ c@ - dup >r - cfa# 1- bounds r> + (.pfa indent off ; : .file ( cfa -- ) [ DOS ] ." File " dup .cfaname ." \ " >body .fcb ; : .vocabulary ( cfa -- ) ." Vocabulary " .cfaname ; \ Classify a word 20may00py : .input ( cfa - ) cr? ." Input " dup .cfaname ." is" >body c@ input @ + @ (see ; : .output ( cfa - ) cr? ." Output " dup .cfaname ." is" >body c@ output @ + @ (see ; : .cold: ( cfa - ) cr? dup .cfaname >body c@ cells $18 + thisModule @ + @ cfa# 1- bounds (.pfa ; Create definition-class ' c/l cfa@ A, ' udp cfa@ A, ' key cfa@ A, ' emit cfa@ A, ' forth cfa@ A, ' cold: cfa@ A, ' forth.fb cfa@ A, Table: .definition-class .value .variable .input .output .vocabulary .cold: .file [ \ see 29dec02py : ((see ( cfa -- ) n? off cr? dup >name heap? IF ." | " THEN thenbranch off dup 0 over cfa@ 7 0 DO definition-class Ith case? IF 0= .definition-class Ith LEAVE THEN LOOP swap IF execute ELSE drop .others THEN .immediate ; ' ((see Is (see : see name find 0= IF number drop THEN (see ; : bind-see ( cfa action -- ) swap cfatable' @ dup @ 0= IF 2! 8 cfatable' +! ELSE drop 2drop THEN ; \ n 03nov01py tools definitions | : c@? dup c@ 3 .r ; | : ?: dup 8 u.r ." :" tab1 ; : s ( addr -- addr+ ) ?: space c@? 3 spaces count 2dup type + aligned ; : nd ( IP -- IP' ) n? on .then .begin decom ; : n ( IP -- IP' ) ?: nd ; : dsee ( -- ) base push hex ' dup cfa# bounds >begin dup >r BEGIN dup r@ <= r> cr ?: disassemble >r IF nd THEN 2dup > 0= stop? or UNTIL 2drop drop rdrop cr ; \ General Dump Utility - Output 32b 07aug10py : d ( addr n -- addr+n) over ?: over 0 ?DO c@? 1+ LOOP 2 spaces -rot type ; : c ( addr -- addr+1 ) 1 d ; : ? ( addr -- ) @ . ; \ print cont. of address | : .2 ( n -- ) 0 <<# # # #> type #>> space ; | : .8 ( n -- ) 8 u.r ; | : d.2 ( addr len -- ) bounds ?DO I ['] c@ catch IF drop ." -- " ELSE .2 THEN LOOP ; | : emit. ( char -- ) dup $7F and bl < IF drop Ascii . THEN emit ; | : dumpline ( addr --- ) cr dup .8 2 spaces 8 2dup d.2 space over + 8 d.2 space $10 bounds ?DO I ['] c@ catch IF drop ." ." ELSE emit. THEN LOOP dumped off ; \\ Longdump basics 32b 23jun12py | : ?.n ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) 2dup - IF .2 exit THEN ." \/ " drop ; | : ?.a ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) 2dup - IF 1 .r exit THEN ." V" drop ; | : .head ( addr len -- addr' len' ) swap dup -$10 and swap $0F and cr $A spaces 8 0 DO I ?.n LOOP space $10 8 DO I ?.n LOOP space $10 0 DO I ?.a LOOP rot + ; \ Dump Memory Utility 32b 23jun12py : dump ( addr len -- ) base push hex bounds ?DO I dumpline stop? ?LEAVE $10 +LOOP ; : du ( addr -- addr+$40 ) dup $40 dump $40 + ; : dl ( line# -- ) c/l * scr @ block + c/l dump ; : d' ' dup cfa# bounds >begin BEGIN cr n 2dup > 0= stop? or UNTIL 2drop drop cr ; : vocs voc-link list> 8 - dup body> >name dup IF .nfa drop space ELSE 2drop THEN ?cr ; \ Debugger help macros 25oct93py Code .a1 nop Next end-code macro Code .a2 BP BP mov Next end-code macro Code .a3 0 BP D) BP lea Next end-code macro : I_C@ I c@ ; macro bl last @ 2+ c! : within_0= within 0= ; macro bl last @ 7 + c! : .dumped cr dumped 8 cells + dup 7 FOR cell- dup @ $A .r NEXT drop 3 FOR dup @ $A .r cell+ NEXT drop ; \ Trace Loadscreen 30sep06py \ cr .( Mit Tracer wird das Forth ca. 400 mal langsamer) cr 1 $10 +thru \ Variables do-trace bp25may97py | 0 AValue \ end of trace trap range | 0 AValue \ end+1 of next instr. or macro | 0 AValue nest? \ addr. of next instruction after NEST | User #spaces \ for indenting nested trace | User r0save \ save initial value of r0 : macro>! ( addr -- ) macro> @ 0<> and macro> ! ; \ define register addresses bp 19may97py patch tAX | : register ( offset -- ) Create c, Does> c@ tAX + ; | : registers ( n -- ) 0 ?DO dup register cell+ LOOP ; cell 9 registers CX DX BX SP BP SI DI EFLAGS IP Constant #regs Create AX #regs allot \ tAX avoids name conflicts ' AX IS tAX Variable s/r Defer debugi/o ' standardi/o IS debugi/o \ OS specific trace vector setups 09dec01py[IFDEF] go32 : tv! 1 idt! ; [THEN] [IFDEF] unix | Variable tv also dos 3 libc sigaction sigaction previous Code trace-handler ( sigcontext sig -- ) R: 6 cells # SP add tAX A# AX mov 7 [FOR] [I] cells AX D) pop [NEXT] 2 cells # SP add 9 cells AX D) pop DX pop 8 cells AX D) pop 2 cells # SP add DX pop \ DX ) frstor 7 [FOR] [I] cells AX D) [I] dup 3 << + $C0 + mov [NEXT] eflags A#) push CS push IP A#) push tv A#) jmp end-code Create trace-sig ' trace-handler A, [IFDEF] glibc $20 [ELSE] 1 [THEN] 0 [DO] 0 , [LOOP] $58000000 , 0 , : tv! tv ! 0 trace-sig 5 sigaction drop ; [THEN] \ OS specific trace vector setups 19may97py [IFDEF] os2 [THEN] [IFDEF] win32 [THEN] [IFUNDEF] tv! : tv! drop ; [THEN] \ throw status on Return-Stack bp 07aug10py: .eflags ( -- ) col ." AVR-NPLODITSZ-A-P-C" cr tab base push 2 base ! eflags @ 0 <<# &19 0 DO # LOOP #> type #>> ; | Defer 'nestall ' noop IS 'nestall | User step step on | User go? go? off | User cont? cont? off | : oneline step @ 0= IF stop? step ! THEN cont? off step @ IF BEGIN .status space query interpret cont? @ #tib @ 0= or UNTIL THEN -$166 allot 'nestall ; : go step off cont? on ; Defer .dump ' .s is .dump : dumpregs base push .s cr S" AXCXDXBXSPBPSIDI" bounds DO 7 spaces I 2 type space 2 +LOOP hex DI cell+ AX DO I @ 9 u.r space cell +LOOP .eflags ; \ dump stack or register 09dec01py | Table: >op noop + - and or xor noop @ [ | Variable last# | : .@tos :DX case? IF DX @ exit THEN :AX case? IF AX ! exit THEN :lit case? IF lastlit @ @ dup last# ! @tos @ $70 and 4/ >op + perform exit THEN :user = IF 2drop - + drop drop xor noop 2drop [ | : tos! ( n / -- ) @tos @ $F and :DX case? IF DX ! exit THEN :AX case? IF AX @ exit THEN :lit case? IF last# @ @tos @ $70 and 4/ op> + perform exit THEN :user = IF drop exit THEN ; \ reenter tracer 12nov94py ' exit c@ | constant [unnest] | : .traceerr ( 0/1/2 -- ) 2 case? error" can't be debugged" 1 = macro> @ and error" is a Macro !" ; | : (debug ( addr -- ) \ start tracing at addr dup name \ is there a length info ? IF dup 2- wx@ dup 0= 2 and .traceerr dup 0< .traceerr abs + ELSE cr ." End of word not found !" \ BEGIN 1+ dup c@ [unnest] = UNTIL 1+ dup 2- wx@ abs + THEN pc> ! pc> @ ! ; \ Nextstep 19may97py $10 | Constant maxsave | Variable save -1 , 0 , -1 , maxsave 3 cells Q* allot $10 cells allot here cell allot | Constant pushstack | : push save @ 1+ dup maxsave min save ! dup dup + + cells save + cell+ @ over ! cell+ pull ( raddr -- ) save @ 1+ BEGIN 1- dup 0< 0= WHILE 2dup dup dup + + cells save + cell+ dup >r @ r> cell+ @ within UNTIL THEN dup 0< IF 2drop 0 save @ THEN dup 1- 0 max dup save ! #spaces ! dup dup + + cells save + cell+ dup @ ! cell+ @ IF SP RP xchg THEN eflags A#) push CS push IP A#) push 1 cells tAX + A#) CX mov 2 cells tAX + A#) DX mov Label fnext iret end-code Label fnexttask 8 # 8 SP D) btr iret end-code Code do-trace \ enables Tracer pushf 8 # SP ) bts popf Next end-code Code end-trace \ disables Tracer 8 # eflags A#) btr \ change SR storage location pushf 8 # SP ) btr popf Next end-code Label rp? SP RP cmp u> IF RP push ELSE SP push THEN -1 L# SP ) cmp here 4- to pull rel) call SI pop DX pop CX pop \ check trace conditions 09dec01pyLabel debugger :R AX push 4 SP D) AX mov .b $9D # AX ) cmp AX pop fnexttask 0= jmpIF -1 L# SP ) cmp here 4- to rp? u> jmpIF -1 L# SP ) cmp here 4- to = IF -1 L# SP ) cmp here 4- to macro> fnext u< jmpIF THEN AHEAD Label nester :R AX push 4 SP D) AX mov .b $9D # AX ) cmp AX pop fnexttask 0= jmpIF -1 L# SP ) cmp here 4- to nest? fnext jnz THEN -1 L# UP cmp here 4- to IF SP RP xchg THEN s/r A#) u> setIF \ tracer display 02nov01py ;c: debugger tv! nest? @ IF push nest? @ (debug nest? off 1 #spaces +! THEN s/r c@ macro+ c@ 0= and IF $F48702 macro+ ! THEN rp@ r pushi/o tflush r0 push debugi/o BEGIN $166 allot #spaces @ spaces >r tos@ r> ! base ! state push blk push blk off & 'quit push & parser push >in @ >r $FF newtib rp@ cell- r0 ! 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