#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth component class toggle-actor public: | topindex ptr (topindex-00) | topindex ptr (topindex-01) | topindex ptr (topindex-02) | topindex ptr (topindex-03) ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Toggle Actors" ; class; toggle-actor implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) 0 -1 flipper X" Toggle" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-00) 0 0 flipper X" Toggle-Var" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-01) 0 0 flipper X" Toggle-Num" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-02) 0 0 flipper X" Toggle-State" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-03) topglue new #5 harbox new T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" On:" infotextfield new T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Off:" infotextfield new #2 varbox new panel #1 habox new dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-00) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Var:" infotextfield new $10 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfill glue new #2 vabox new panel #1 habox new flipbox dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-01) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Var:" infotextfield new #0. ]N ( MINOS ) ^^ SN[ ]SN ( MINOS ) X" Num:" infotextfield new #2 varbox new panel #1 habox new flipbox dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-02) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Fetch:" infotextfield new T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Store:" infotextfield new #2 varbox new panel #1 habox new flipbox dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-03) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith #4 habox new $10 noborderbox #2 borderbox #2 vabox new #1 habox new ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main toggle-actor open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous