#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth menu-component class designer public: topindex ptr (topindex-00) topindex ptr (topindex-01) topindex ptr (topindex-02) topindex ptr (topindex-03) topindex ptr (topindex-04) topindex ptr (topindex-05) topindex ptr (topindex-06) topindex ptr (topindex-07) topindex ptr (topindex-08) topindex ptr (topindex-09) topindex ptr (topindex-0A) ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Theseus" ; class; component class file-menu public: ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" File menu" ; class; component class edit-menu public: ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Edit menu" ; class; component class help-menu public: ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Help Menu" ; class; component class minos-about public: ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" About Theseus" ; class; minos-about implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfill glue new icon" icons/minos" icon new $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfill glue new #3 habox new #2 borderbox X" Theseus 23feb1999" text-label new X" based on MINOS" text-label new X" (c) 1997-1999 by Bernd Paysan" text-label new #3 vabox new #2 borderbox $10 $1 *hfill $10 $1 *vfill glue new ^^ S[ close ]S ( MINOS ) X" OK " button new $10 $1 *hfill $10 $1 *vfill glue new #3 habox new #1 vskips #3 vabox new ( [dumpend] ) ; class; help-menu implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) ^^ S[ 0" cd help; ${BROWSER-./netscape.sh} file://$PWD/theseus.html >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &" [ also DOS ] system [ previous ] drop ]S ( MINOS ) X" Using Theseus" menu-entry new ^^ S[ minos-about open ]S ( MINOS ) X" About Theseus" menu-entry new #2 vabox new #2 borderbox ( [dumpend] ) ; class; edit-menu implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" New Dialog" menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" New Menu Window" menu-entry new #2 vabox new #2 borderbox ( [dumpend] ) ; class; file-menu implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Load File..." menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Save as..." menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Run Application" menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Save as module..." menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" New Designer" menu-entry new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Quit" menu-entry new #6 vabox new #2 borderbox ( [dumpend] ) ; class; designer implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) M: file-menu menu X" File " menu-title new M: edit-menu menu X" Edit " menu-title new $10 $1 *hfilll $1 $1 *vfil rule new M: help-menu menu X" Help " menu-title new #4 hbox new vfixbox #2 borderbox 0 -1 flipper X" Buttons" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-00) 0 0 flipper X" Toggles" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-01) 0 0 flipper X" Text Fields" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-02) 0 0 flipper X" Sliders" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-03) 0 0 flipper X" Menues" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-04) 0 0 flipper X" Labels" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-05) 0 0 flipper X" Glues" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-06) 0 0 flipper X" Canvas" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-07) 0 0 flipper X" Displays" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-08) topglue new #10 harbox new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Button" button new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" LButton" button new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Icon-Button" button new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Icon" button new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" Big-Icon" button new $1 $1 *hfilll $1 $1 *vfil glue new #6 habox new panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-00) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-01) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-02) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-03) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-04) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 harbox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-05) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 harbox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-06) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 harbox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-07) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" String" button new #1 harbox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-08) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith #9 habox new $10 noborderbox #2 borderbox #2 vabox new #1 habox new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" hbox" button new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) X" vbox" button new #2 vabox new #1 habox new hfixbox panel #2 borderbox #2 habox new vfixbox ^^ -1 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) TT" Edit-Text/Code/Name-Mode" icon" icons/ecn" flipicon new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) TT" Cut/Copy/Paste-Mode" icon" icons/cut+copy+paste" flipicon new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) TT" Try-Mode" icon" icons/try" flipicon new #3 varbox new #2 borderbox ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) icon" icons/head" flipicon new ^^ -1 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) icon" icons/tail" flipicon new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) icon" icons/before" flipicon new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) icon" icons/after" flipicon new #4 varbox new #2 borderbox $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfil glue new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) :up tributton new $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfil glue new #3 habox new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) :left tributton new $10 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfil glue new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) :right tributton new #3 habox new $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfil glue new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) :down tributton new $0 $1 *hfill $0 $1 *vfil glue new #3 habox new #3 vabox new #2 borderbox ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) icon" icons/load" icon-but new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) icon" icons/save" icon-but new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) icon" icons/run" icon-but new ^^ S[ ]S ( MINOS ) icon" icons/mod" icon-but new #4 vabox new #2 borderbox $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfilll glue new #5 vabox new hfixbox 1 1 viewport new DS[ $10 $1 *hfil $10 $1 *vfil rule new #1 habox new panel ]DS ( MINOS ) #1 habox new panel #1 habox new #2 borderbox #2 habox new #2 vabox new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" horizontal" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" active" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" radio" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" tabbing" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" hfixbox" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" vfixbox" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" flipbox" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" rzbox" tbutton new #8 vabox new vfixbox 0 -1 flipper X" Low" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-09) 0 0 flipper X" Detail" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-0A) #2 harbox new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" hskip" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" vskip" tbutton new ^^ 0 T[ ][ ( MINOS ) ]T ( MINOS ) X" border" tbutton new $10 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfill glue new #4 vabox new #1 habox new dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-09) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith ^^ #0 #10 SC[ drop ]SC ( MINOS ) TT" hskip" hscaler new ^^ #0 #10 SC[ drop ]SC ( MINOS ) TT" vskip" hscaler new ^^ #10 #20 SC[ drop ]SC ( MINOS ) TT" border" hscaler new #3 vabox new #1 habox new flipbox dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-0A) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith #2 habox new $10 noborderbox #2 borderbox #2 vabox new vfixbox #2 vabox new panel #2 borderbox $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfilll glue new #2 vabox new hfixbox #2 habox new vrtsizer new 1 1 viewport new DS[ $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfil glue new $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfil rule new icon" icons/minos" icon new $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfil rule new #3 habox new $0 $1 *hfil $0 $1 *vfil glue new #3 vabox new ]DS ( MINOS ) $0 $0 *hfil $68 $1 *vfil rule new #2 habox new #2 vasbox new #2 vabox new ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main designer open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous