#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth component class thermometer public: canvas ptr temp vscaler ptr pos ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" No Title" ; class; thermometer implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) CV[ outer self thermometer with pos get endwith >r - >r 4 r@ 2+ steps 1 r> 1+ home! path 0 r@ to 2 0 to 0 r> negate to fill ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $20 $1 *hfil $C8 $1 *vfil canvas new ^^bind temp ^^ #0 #99 SC[ drop temp draw ]SC ( MINOS ) vscaler new ^^bind pos $10 $1 *hfil $10 $1 *vfill glue new ^^ S[ close ]S ( MINOS ) TT" Terminate application" X" OK " button new $10 $1 *hfil $10 $1 *vfill glue new #3 vabox new hfixbox #3 habox new #1 hskips ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main thermometer open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous