\ display block 29aug95pyVocabulary editor Variable len Create mark 0 , 0 , Create rbuf $100 allot Create ibuf $100 allot Create fbuf $100 allot : rvson $1B emit ." [7m" ; : rvsoff $1B emit ." [0m" ; | : hi r# @ c/l /mod 1+ swap 3 + at rvson scr @ block r# @ + len @ type rvsoff &17 0 at ; | : scrbound ( n -- n' ) 0 max capacity 1- min ; : l scrbound editor page list hi ; : v scr @ l ; : view ' >name 6 - w@ (view l ; editor definitions --> \ in screen command 29aug95py: m scr @ r# @ mark 2! ; : a mark 2@ m r# ! l ; : c r# +! 1 len ! v ; : 'rest ( -- a u ) scr @ block b/blk r# @ /string ; : 'line ( -- a u ) 'rest 1- c/l 1- and 1+ ; : 'par ( buf -- a u ) >r 0 parse dup 0= IF 2drop r> count ELSE 2dup r> place THEN ; : t c/l * r# ! c/l len ! 0 parse tuck 'line insert IF update THEN v ; : i ibuf 'par 'line insert update v ; : d 'line 2dup rbuf place len @ delete update v ; : r d i ; : y rbuf count 'line insert update v ; : f 'rest len @ c/l mod /string fbuf 'par dup len ! search 0= throw nip b/blk swap - r# ! v ; --> \ multi screen commands 29aug95py: il pad c/l 'rest insert 'rest drop c/l blank update v ; : dl 'rest c/l delete update v ; : qx ( -- ) 0 0 at scr @ $40 / $40 * $40 bounds DO 3 0 DO [ FORTH ] i [ EDITOR ] j + dup 3 .r space dup scr @ = IF rvson THEN scrbound block &20 type rvsoff LOOP cr 3 +LOOP ; : nx $40 scr @ + scr ! qx ; : bx -$40 scr @ + 0 max scr ! qx ; : n scr @ 1+ l r# off ; : b scr @ 1- l r# off ; : s ( n -- / n ) >r BEGIN ['] f catch WHILE scr @ r@ = IF rdrop EXIT THEN scr @ r@ u< IF n ELSE b THEN REPEAT r> ; onlyforth \\ some comments on this simple editor 29aug95pym marks current position a goes to marked position c moves cursor by n chars t goes to line n and inserts i inserts d deletes marked area r replaces marked area f search and mark il insert a line dl delete a line qx gives a quick index nx gives next index bx gives previous index n goes to next screen b goes to previous screen l goes to screen n v goes to current screen s searches until screen n y yank deleted string Syntax and implementation style a la PolyFORTH If you don't like it, write a block editor mode for Emacs!