#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth component class hello public: | topindex ptr (topindex-00) | topindex ptr (topindex-01) | topindex ptr (topindex-02) | topindex ptr (topindex-03) | topindex ptr (topindex-04) | topindex ptr (topindex-05) | topindex ptr (topindex-06) ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Hello World" ; class; hello implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) 0 -1 flipper X" Schwäbisch" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-00) 0 0 flipper X" English" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-01) 0 0 flipper X" Français" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-02) 0 0 flipper X" 中文" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-03) 0 0 flipper X" Русский" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-04) 0 0 flipper X" 日本语" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-05) 0 0 flipper X" Tiếng Việt" topindex new ^^bind (topindex-06) topglue new #8 harbox new vfixbox X" Hallöle Weltle!" text-label new #1 habox new panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-00) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" Hello World!" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-01) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" 世界,你好!" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-03) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" Здравствуй, мир!" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-04) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" 今日は, 世界!" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-05) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" Bonjour le monde!" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-02) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith X" sin chào thế giới" text-label new #1 habox new flipbox panel dup ^^ with C[ (topindex-06) ]C ( MINOS ) endwith #7 habox new $10 noborderbox #2 borderbox #2 vabox new $10 $1 *hfill *hglue new ^^ S[ close ]S ( MINOS ) X" OK " button new $10 $1 *hfill *hglue new #3 habox new #2 vabox new panel ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main hello open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous