#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth component class ampel public: canvas ptr ampel-status ( [varstart] ) 1 var g# 1 var gy# 1 var y# 1 var o# ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Ampel Einstellung" ; class; ampel implements ( [methodstart] ) ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) CV[ $FF 0 0 rgb> backcolor clear ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $28 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfil canvas new vrtsizer new CV[ $FF $80 0 rgb> backcolor clear h @ outer with o# c! ampel-status draw endwith ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $10 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfil canvas new #2 vasbox new vrtsizer new CV[ $FF $FF 0 rgb> backcolor clear h @ outer with y# c! ampel-status draw endwith ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $10 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfil canvas new #2 vasbox new vrtsizer new CV[ $80 $FF 0 rgb> backcolor clear h @ outer with gy# c! ampel-status draw endwith ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $10 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfil canvas new #2 vasbox new vrtsizer new CV[ 0 $FF 0 rgb> backcolor clear h @ outer with g# c! ampel-status draw endwith ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $10 $1 *hfil $1 $1 *vfil canvas new #2 vasbox new #5 vabox new CV[ 2 284 steps decimal 0 outer with o# c@ y# c@ gy# c@ g# c@ endwith 3 backcolor clear 0 1 textpos 4 0 DO 4 I - 7 * swap >r 0 swap 254 + r@ - home! r@ 0 <# #S #> text r> + LOOP drop ]CV ( MINOS ) ^^ CK[ ( x y b n -- ) 2drop 2drop ]CK ( MINOS ) $20 $0 *hpix $11C $0 *vpix canvas new ^^bind ampel-status #2 habox new panel ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main ampel open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous