#! xbigforth \ automatic generated code \ do not edit also editor also minos also forth component class adjust public: infotextfield ptr path# infotextfield ptr id# button ptr path-ok ( [varstart] ) ( [varend] ) how: : params DF[ 0 ]DF X" Adjust Configuration" ; class; include adjust-path.fs adjust implements ( [methodstart] ) : show pathes count '; -skip path# assign screen xywh 2swap 2drop p2/ dpy self window with xywh resize xywh 2swap 2drop p2/ p- repos endwith argc @ 3 = 1 arg s" adjust.m" str= and IF 2 arg id# assign id# get path# get s" xbigforth.ini" adjust-path-id id# get path# get s" bigforth.ini" adjust-path-id close bye THEN super show ; ( [methodend] ) : widget ( [dumpstart] ) T" " ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" Pathes" infotextfield new ^^bind path# T" py" ^^ ST[ ]ST ( MINOS ) X" ID" infotextfield new ^^bind id# $10 $1 *hfill $10 $1 *vfil glue new ^^ S[ id# get path# get s" xbigforth.ini" adjust-path-id id# get path# get s" bigforth.ini" adjust-path-id close ]S ( MINOS ) X" OK" button new ^^bind path-ok $10 $1 *hfil $10 $1 *vfil glue new ^^ S[ close ]S ( MINOS ) X" Cancel" button new $10 $1 *hfill $10 $1 *vfil glue new #5 hatbox new #3 vabox new panel ( [dumpend] ) ; class; : main adjust open-app event-loop bye ; script? [IF] main [THEN] previous previous previous