\ Enlightenment style 14feb01py \ This style uses Imlib 14feb01py \needs imlib include imlib.fs \needs xconst | import xconst also DOS also Memory also imlib also xconst also X11 also MINOS also : get-imdata ( dpy -- imdata ) dup ImlibInit >r dup DefaultScreen DefaultDepth dup 24 >= IF drop 4 ELSE 15 < IF \ 0" colors.rgb" r@ ImlibLoadColors drop 3 ELSE 5 THEN THEN r@ ImlibSetRenderType drop r> ; xresource implements : open ( string -- ) XOpenDisplay dup dpy ! get-imdata imdata ! ; \ There should be a close method, but there \ is no such thing in Imlib class; screen xrc dpy @ get-imdata screen xrc imdata ! \ read icons with imlib 14feb98py \ make a awful pink the default background | Create bgcol struct ImColor allot $FE bgcol ImColor r ! $00 bgcol ImColor g ! $FF bgcol ImColor b ! : (read-imicon ( addr u -- image ) s" .icn" suffix? IF read-icn pause EXIT THEN dup 1+ NewPtr dup >r place r@ c>0" r@ >path.file screen xrc imdata @ ImlibLoadImage bgcol over Image shape_color sizeof ImColor move r> DisposPtr ; : >pswh ( image --- pixmap1 pixmap2 w h ) >r r@ Image pixmap @ r@ Image shape_mask @ r@ Image width @ r> Image height @ ; : read-imicon (read-imicon >pswh ; \ ' read-imicon IS read-icon