: div ( ud udiv -- uqout umod )
com >r >r >a r> r> over 0 # +
/- /- /- /- /- /- /- /- /-
/- /- /- /- /- /- /- /-
nip nip a >r -cIF *+ r> ;
THEN 0 # + *+ $8000 # + r> ;
\layout Standard
The next example is even more complicated, since I emulate a serial interface.
At 10MHz, each bit takes 87 clock cycles, to get a 115200 baud fast serial
We add a second stop bit, to allow the other side to resynchronize, when
the next bit arrives.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
: send-rest ( c -- c' ) *+
: wait-bit
1 # $FFF9 # BEGIN over + cUNTIL drop drop ;
: send-bit ( c -- c' )
delay at start
: send-bit-fast ( c -- c' )
$FFFE # >a dup 1 # and
IF drop $0001 # a@ or a!+ send-rest ;
THEN drop $FFFE # a@ and a!+ send-rest ;
: emit ( c -- )
8N1, 115200 baud
>r 06 # send-bit r>
send-bit-fast send-bit send-bit send-bit
send-bit send-bit send-bit send-bit
drop send-bit-fast send-bit drop ;
\layout Standard
Like in ColorForth,
\family typewriter
\family default
is just an EXIT, and
\family typewriter
\family default
is used as label.
If there's a call before
\family typewriter
\family default
, this is converted to a jump.
This saves return stack entries, time, and code space.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Section
The Rest of the Implementation
\layout Standard
First the implementation file with comment and modules.
\layout Scrap
* b16 core: 16 bits,
* inspired by c18 core from Chuck Moore
`define L [l-1:0]
`define DROP { sp, T, N } <= { spinc, N, toN }
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
\layout Scrap
* Instruction set:
* 1, 5, 5, 5 bits
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* 0: nop call jmp ret jz jnz jc jnc
* /3 exec goto ret gz gnz gc gnc
* 8: xor com and or + +c *+ /-
* 10: A!+ A@+ R@+ lit Ac!+ Ac@+ Rc@+ litc
* /1 A! A@ R@ lit Ac! Ac@ Rc@ litc
* 18: nip drop over dup >r >a r> a
\layout Subsection
Top Level
\layout Standard
The CPU consists of several parts, which are all implemented in the same
Verilog module.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
module cpu(clk, reset, addr, rd, wr, data, T,
intreq, intack, intvec);
always @(posedge clk or negedge reset)
endmodule // cpu
\layout Standard
First, Verilog needs port declarations, so that it can now what's input
and output.
The parameter are used to configure other word sizes and stack depths.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
parameter show=0, l=16, sdep=3, rdep=3;
input clk, reset;
output `L addr;
output rd;
output [1:0] wr;
input `L data;
output `L T;
input intreq;
output intack;
input [7:0] intvec; // interrupt jump vector
\layout Standard
The ALU is instantiated with the configured width, and the necessary wires
are declared
\layout Scrap
wire `L res, toN;
wire carry, zero;
alu #(l) alu16(res, carry, zero,
T, N, c, inst[2:0]);
\layout Standard
Since the stacks work in parallel, we have to calculated, when a value is
pushed onto the stack (thus
\series bold
\series default
if something is stored there).
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
reg dpush, rpush;
always @(clk or state or inst or rd)
dpush <= 1'b0;
rpush <= 1'b0;
if(state[2]) begin
dpush <= |state[1:0] & rd;
rpush <= state[1] & (inst[1:0]==2'b10);
end else
5'b00001: rpush <= 1'b1;
5'b11100: rpush <= 1'b1;
5'b11?1?: dpush <= 1'b1;
endcase // case(inst)
\layout Standard
The stacks don't only consist of the two stack modules, but also need an
incremented and decremented stack pointer.
The return stack even allows to write the top of return stack even without
changing the return stack depth.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
wire [sdep-1:0] spdec, spinc;
wire [rdep-1:0] rpdec, rpinc;
stack #(sdep,l) dstack(clk, sp, spdec,
dpush, N, toN);
stack #(rdep,l) rstack(clk, rp, rpdec,
rpush, toR, R);
assign spdec = sp-{{(sdep-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
assign spinc = sp+{{(sdep-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
assign rpdec = rp+{(rdep){(~state[2] | tos2r)}};
assign rpinc = rp+{{(rdep-1){1'b0}}, 1'b1};
\layout Standard
The basic core is the fully synchronous register update.
Each register needs a reset value, and depending on the state transition,
the corresponding assignments have to be coded.
Most of that is from above, only the instruction fetch and the assignment
of the next value of
\family typewriter
\family default
has to be done.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
if(!reset) begin
end else if(state[2]) begin
end else begin // if (state[2])
if(show) begin
if(nextstate == 3'b100)
{ addr, rd } <= { P, 1'b1 };
state <= nextstate;
incby <= (inst[4:2] != 3'b101);
end // else: !if(reset)
\layout Standard
As reset value, we initialize the CPU so that it is about to fetch the next
instruction from address 0.
The stacks are all empty, the registers contain all zeros.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
state <= 3'b011;
incby <= 1'b0;
P <= 16'h0000;
addr <= 16'h0000;
A <= 16'h0000;
T <= 16'h0000;
N <= 16'h0000;
I <= 16'h0000;
c <= 1'b0;
rd <= 1'b0;
wr <= 2'b00;
sp <= 0;
rp <= 0;
intack <= 0;
\layout Standard
The transition to the next state (the NEXT within a bundle) is done separately.
That's necessary, since the assignments of the other variables are not
just dependent on the current state, but partially also on the next state
when to fetch the next instruction word).
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
reg [2:0] nextstate;
always @(inst or state)
if(state[2]) begin
end else begin
endcase // casez(inst[0:2])
end // else: !if(state[2]) end
\layout Scrap
nextstate <= state[1:0] + { 2'b0, |state[1:0] };
\layout Scrap
5'b00000: nextstate <= state[1:0] + 3'b001;
5'b00???: nextstate <= 3'b100;
5'b10???: nextstate <= { 1'b1, state[1:0] };
5'b?????: nextstate <= state[1:0] + 3'b001;
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
The ALU just computes the sum with possible carry-ins, the logical operations,
and a zero flag.
It would be possible to share common resources (the XORs of the full adder
could also compute the XOR operation, and the carry propagation logic could
compute OR and AND), but this optimization is left to the synthesis tool.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
module alu(res, carry, zero, T, N, c, inst);
wire `L sum, logic;
wire cout;
assign { cout, sum } =
T + N + ((c | andor) & selr);
assign logic = andor ?
(selr ? (T | N) : (T & N)) :
T ^ N;
assign { carry, res } =
prop ? { cout, sum } : { c, logic };
assign zero = ~|T;
endmodule // alu
\layout Standard
The ALU has ports T and N, carry in, and the lowest 3 bits of the instruction
as input, a result, carry out, and test for zero as output.
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
parameter l=16;
input `L T, N;
input c;
input [2:0] inst;
output `L res;
output carry, zero;
wire prop, andor, selr;
assign #1 { prop, andor, selr } = inst;
\layout Subsection
\layout Standard
The stacks are modeled as block RAM in the FPGA.
Therefore, they should have only one port, since these block RAMs are available
even in small FPGAs.
In an ASIC, this sort of stack is implemented with latches.
Here it's possible to separate read and write port (also for FPGAs that
support dual-ported RAM), and save the multiplexer for
\family typewriter
\family default
\begin_inset ERT
status Collapsed
\layout Standard
\layout Scrap
module stack(clk, sp, spdec, push, in, out);
parameter dep=3, l=16;
input clk, push;
input [dep-1:0] sp, spdec;
input `L in;
output `L out;
reg `L stackmem[0:(1@<:
\emph default
Programs memory from
\emph on
\emph default
\emph on
\emph default
data bytes
\layout Description
\emph on
addr, len:
\emph default
Reads back
\emph on
\emph default
bytes from memory starting at
\emph on
\layout Description
\emph on
\emph default
Execute the word at
\emph on
\layout Standard
These three commands are sufficient to program the b16 interactively.
On the host side, a few instructions are sufficient, too:
\layout Description
comp Compile to the end of line, and send the result to the evaluation board
\layout Description
eval Compile to the end of line, send the result to the evaluation board,
call the code, and set the RAM pointer of the assembler back to the original
\layout Description
sim Same as
\family typewriter
\family default
, but execute the result with the simulator instead of using the evaluation
\layout Description
check ( addr u --- ) Reads a memory block from the evaluation board, and
display it with
\family typewriter
\layout Section
\layout Standard
More material is available from my home page
\begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{web}
All sources are available under GPL.
Data for producing a board is available, too.
\noun on
Hans Eckes
\noun default
might make one for you, if you pay for it.
And if someone wants to use the b16 commercially, talk to me.
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {c18}
\emph on
c18 ColorForth Compiler,
\emph default
\noun on
Chuck Moore
\noun default
\begin_inset Formula $17^{\mathrm{th}}$
EuroForth Conference Proceedings, 2001
\layout Bibliography
\bibitem {web}
\emph on
b16 Processor,
\emph default
\noun on
Bernd Paysan
\noun default
, Internet Home page,
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[http://www.jwdt.com/~paysan/b16.html]{http://www.jwdt.com/~paysan/b16.html}