; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CF430G2553 is a Forth based on CamelForth ; for the Texas Instruments MSP430 ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ; See LICENSE TERMS in Brads file readme.txt as well. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; init430G2553.s43 - reset interupt service routine - MSP430G2553 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CamelForth RAM memory map: ; UP User Pointer, 2 bytes ; UAREA User area, 32 bytes ; UAREA+20h HOLD area, 40 bytes, grows down from end ; UAREA+48h PAD buffer, 88 bytes, must follow HOLD area ; UAREA+A0h Parameter stack, 128 B, grows down from end ; UAREA+120h Return stack, 128 B, grows down from end ; UAREA+1A0h TIB Terminal Input Buffer, 88 bytes ; Note: All must be word-aligned. ; See also the definitions of U0, S0, and R0 in the "system variables & ; constants" area. A task w/o terminal input requires 200h bytes. ; Double all except TIB and PAD for 32-bit CPUs. ; RAM map ; name celles comment ; ----- UAREA_SIZE = 16 ; UAREA 32 bytes ; ----- ; | LSTACK: leave stack ; | grows up ; | ; V ; 128 bytes ; ^ ; | ; | grows down PSTACK_SIZE = 54 ; | PSTACK: top of parameter stack area. ; ----- ; 128 bytes ; ^ ; | ; | grows down RSTACK_SIZE = 54 ; | RSTACK: top of return stack area. ; aligned buffers only required for terminal tasks. ; names bytes ; ^ ; | ; | grows down HOLD_SIZE = 34 ; | HOLDAREA: ; ----- PAD_SIZE = 84 ; scratch pad ; ----- TIB_SIZE = 84 ; terminal input buffer ; ----- ; PUBLIC UP,UAREA,PADAREA,LSTACK,PSTACK,RSTACK PUBLIC PADAREA,LSTACK,PSTACK,RSTACK PUBLIC TIBAREA,TIB_SIZE,UAREA_SIZE PUBLIC reset,main PUBLIC UAREA,UP,cor PUBLIC ROMDICT,RAMDICT EXTERN lastword,fenceadr,NOOP ; EXTERN runmagic,runsmal EXTERN lastword EXTERN COLDIP,BOOTIP ; EXTERN DEBUGIP RSEG DATA16_Z ; uninitialized RAM segment ; RAM user area - system label, holds active user area ; initialiesed by BOOT ; see hilvl UINIT UP: DS16 1 UAREA: DS16 UAREA_SIZE ; cor - cause of reset variable, copy of IFG1 cor: DS16 1 ; LSTACK - start leave stack LSTACK: DS16 PSTACK_SIZE ; allocate parameter stack ; PSTACK - top of parameter stack PSTACK: DS16 RSTACK_SIZE ; allocate return stack ; RSTACK - top of return stack RSTACK: DS8 HOLD_SIZE ; allocate hold area ; HOLDAREA - top of hold adrea HOLDAREA: ; PADAREA - start scratch pad; must follow HOLDAREA PADAREA: DS8 PAD_SIZE ; TIBAREA - start Terminal Input Buffer TIBAREA: DS8 TIB_SIZE ; RAMDICT - end of system areas, start of free RAM RAMDICT: ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POWER ON RESET AND INITIALIZATION #include "msp430G2553.h" ; #define controlled include file #include "CF430G2553forth.h" ; header macros and register defs RSEG CODE ; place program in 'CODE' segment ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MSP430G2553 Initialize system ; (original: FR_EXP.lst and some of mecrisp (Koch) ; for LaunchPad ; main - start_init, reset service routine main: ; Debugger requires the 'main' symbol. reset: ; forth requires the reset symbol. start_init: ; I require the start_init symbol. ;-) MOV.W #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer MOV.B &IFG1,&cor ; save IFG1 to cof low byte mov.b &CALBC1_8MHZ, &BCSCTL1 ; Set DCO mov.b &CALDCO_8MHZ, &DCOCTL ; to 8 MHz. mov.b #006h, &P1SEL ; Use P1.1/P1.2 for USCI_A0 mov.b #006h, &P1SEL2 ; Use P1.1/P1.2 for USCI_A0 ; Configure UART (Koch) bis.b #UCSSEL_2,&UCA0CTL1 ;db2 SMCLK mov.b #65,&UCA0BR0 ;db3 8MHz 9600 Insgesamt 833 mov.b #3,&UCA0BR1 ;db4 8MHz 9600 mov.b #UCBRS_2,&UCA0MCTL ;db5 Modulation UCBRSx = 2 bic.b #UCSWRST,&UCA0CTL1 ;db6 **Initialize USCI state machine** clr.b &IE1 ; Lösche die Interrupt-Flags von Oscillator Fault, ; NMI, Flash-Violation. mov.w #FWKEY, &FCTL1 ; Schreib- & Loeschzugriffe ausgeschaltet. mov.w #FWKEY|FSSEL_1|19, &FCTL2 ; MCLK/20 for Flash Timing Generator mov.w #FWKEY+LOCK, &FCTL3 ; Lock Flash memory against writing ; Enable port1 on Launchpad ; P1.0 = LED1 red ; P1.6 = LED2 green ; P1.3 = button BIS.B #(BIT6+BIT0), &P1DIR BIS.B #(BIT6+BIT3+BIT0), &P1OUT BIS.B #BIT3,&P1REN ; pullup für S1 einschalten. MOV.B #1,&(cor+1) ; hi byte ; setup forth registers MOV #RSTACK,SP ; set up return stack MOV #PSTACK,PSP ; set up parameter stack MOV #UAREA,&UP ; initial user pointer MOV #BOOTIP,IP ; set IP of starting word ; MOV #COLDIP,IP ; set IP of starting word ; MOV #DEBUGIP,IP ; set IP of starting word MOV #0,TOS ; clear top of pstack NEXT init_end: ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DEFAULT INTERRUPT HANDLER nullirq PUBLIC nullirq isr_start: nullirq: RETI isr_end: ROMDICT: END