; CPU and Model Dependencies - MSP430FR5739 ; M.Kalus Juli 2011 ; Template was: deps430f1611.s43 ; for TI MSP430F1611 by B. Rodriguez 4 Jan 09 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CamelForth for the Texas Instruments MSP430 FRAM Familiy. ; (c) 2009 Bradford J. Rodriguez. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ; Commercial inquiries should be directed to the author at ; 115 First St., #105, Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 4W3 Canada ; or via email to bj@camelforth.com ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NOTES ; Forth words are documented as follows: ;x NAME stack -- stack description ; where x=C for ANS Forth Core words, X for ANS ; Extensions, Z for internal or private words. ; ; Indirect-Threaded Forth model for T.I. MSP430 ; cell size is 16 bits (2 bytes) ; char size is 8 bits (1 byte) ; address unit is 8 bits (1 byte), i.e., addresses are byte-aligned. ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; REVISION HISTORY ;mk 22 jul 2011 - no Harvard, no Ixxx. Serach for ;mk ;mk Changed: ;mk ICOMMA to COMMA ;mk ISTORE to STORE ;mk IHERE to HERE ;mk IALLOT to ALLOT ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ALIGNMENT AND PORTABILITY OPERATORS ; Many of these are synonyms for other words, ; and so are defined as CODE words. ;C ALIGN -- align HERE ; IHERE 1 AND IALLOT ; HEADER ALIGNN,5,'ALIGN',DOCOLON ;mk DW IHERE,lit,1,ANDD,IALLOT,EXIT DW HERE,lit,1,ANDD,ALLOT,EXIT ;C ALIGNED addr -- a-addr align given addr ; DUP 1 AND + ; HEADER ALIGNED,7,'ALIGNED',DOCOLON DW DUP,lit,1,ANDD,PLUS,EXIT ;Z CELL -- n size of one cell HEADER CELL,4,'CELL',DOCON dw 2 ;C CELL+ a-addr1 -- a-addr2 add cell size ; 2 + ; HEADER CELLPLUS,5,'CELL+',DOCODE ADD #2,TOS JMP donext ;C CELLS n1 -- n2 cells->adrs units HEADER CELLS,5,'CELLS',TWOSTAR+2 ;C CHAR+ c-addr1 -- c-addr2 add char size HEADER CHARPLUS,5,'CHAR+',ONEPLUS+2 ;C CHARS n1 -- n2 chars->adrs units HEADER CHARS,5,'CHARS',donoop ;C >BODY xt -- a-addr adrs of CREATE data ; 2+ ; 8086 (3 byte CALL) HEADER TOBODY,5,'>BODY',CELLPLUS+2 ;X COMPILE, xt -- append execution token ; I called this word ,XT before I discovered that it is defined in the ; ANSI standard as COMPILE,. On a DTC Forth this simply appends xt ; (like , ) but on an STC Forth this must append 'CALL xt'. HEADER COMMAXT,8,'COMPILE,',DOALIAS ;mk DW ICOMMA DW COMMA ;Z !CF adrs cfa -- set code action of a word ; I! ; ; Indirect threaded model just stores adrs in cfa field. ;mk In FRAM we may use STORE and COMMA as they are. HEADER STORECF,3,'!CF',DOALIAS ;mk DW ISTORE DW STORE ;Z ,CF adrs -- append a code field ; IHERE !CF 2 IALLOT ; MSP430 VERSION (2 bytes) HEADER COMMACF,3,',CF',DOCOLON ;mk DW IHERE,STORECF,lit,2,IALLOT,EXIT DW HERE,STORECF,lit,2,ALLOT,EXIT ;Z ,CALL adrs -- append a subroutine CALL ; MSP430: 128x is call, Ad=11, Dreg=0000 (PC) thus append 12B0,adrs. HEADER COMMACALL,5,',CALL',DOCOLON ;mk DW lit,12B0h,ICOMMA,ICOMMA,EXIT DW lit,12B0h,COMMA,COMMA,EXIT ;Z ,JMP adrs -- append an absolute 16-bit JMP (MOV #xx,PC) ; MSP430: opcode 4, Sreg=0000, Ad=0, As=11 (immed), Dreg=0000 (PC) ; thus append 4030,adrs. HEADER COMMAJMP,4,',JMP',DOCOLON ;mk DW lit,4030h,ICOMMA,ICOMMA,EXIT DW lit,4030h,COMMA,COMMA,EXIT ;Z !COLON -- change code field to DOCOLON ; -2 IALLOT DOCOLON-adrs ,CF ; ; This should be used immediately after CREATE. ; This is made a distinct word, because on an STC ; Forth, colon definitions have no code field. HEADER STORCOLON,6,'!COLON',DOCOLON DW lit,-2,ALLOT DW lit,DOCOLON,COMMACF,EXIT ;Z ,EXIT -- append hi-level EXIT action ; ['] EXIT ,XT ; ; This is made a distinct word, because on an STC ; Forth, it appends a RET instruction, not an xt. HEADER CEXIT,5,',EXIT',DOCOLON DW lit,EXIT,COMMAXT,EXIT ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CONTROL STRUCTURES ; These words allow Forth control structure words ; to be defined portably. ;Z ,BRANCH xt -- append a branch instruction ; xt is the branch operator to use, e.g. qbranch or (loop). ; It does NOT append the destination address. ; On the MSP430 this is equivalent to ,XT (above). HEADER COMMABRANCH,7,',BRANCH',DOALIAS ;mk DW ICOMMA DW COMMA ;Z ,DEST dest -- append a branch address ; IHERE - , ; ; This appends the given destination address to the branch instruction. ; The MSP430 uses relative addressing from the location of the offset cell, ; i.e., to branch to FOO the offset cell at $ contains FOO-$. HEADER COMMADEST,5,',DEST',DOCOLON ;mk DW IHERE,MINUS,ICOMMA,EXIT DW HERE,MINUS,COMMA,EXIT ;Z !DEST dest adrs -- change a branch dest'n ; TUCK - SWAP I! ; ; Changes the destination address found at 'adrs' to the given 'dest'. ; The MSP430 uses relative addressing from the location of the offset cell, ; i.e., to branch to FOO the offset cell at $ contains FOO-$. HEADER STOREDEST,5,'!DEST',DOCOLON ;mk DW TUCK,MINUS,SWAP,ISTORE,EXIT DW TUCK,MINUS,SWAP,STORE,EXIT ;Z ,NONE -- append a null destination (Flashable) ; CELL IALLOT ; ; When compiling in Flash ROM a branch to be resolved later, we must ; skip the cell so that it can be programmed at a later time. ; In general Flash memory can only be written once! ; ,NONE should be used wherever !DEST will resolve the branch. HEADER COMMANONE,5,',NONE',DOCOLON DW CELL,ALLOT,EXIT ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HEADER STRUCTURE ; The structure of the Forth dictionary headers (name, link, immediate ; flag, and "smudge" bit) does not necessarily differ across CPUs. This ; structure is not easily factored into distinct "portable" words; ; instead, it is implicit in the definitions of FIND and CREATE, and ; also in NFA>LFA, NFA>CFA, IMMED?, IMMEDIATE, HIDE, and REVEAL. ; These words must be (substantially) rewritten if either the header ; structure or its inherent assumptions are changed.