; infoB MSP430G2553 #include "msp430.h" ; #define controlled include file #include "se-CF430G2553forth.h" ; header macros and register defs EXTERN RAMDICT,lastword,NOOP,DOTCOLD ;,OEMIT PUBLIC infoB,AppU0,crcval RSEG INFOB ; uarea in infoB - holds saved user area table infoB: crcval: DW 0FFFFh ; CRC of user dictionary and infoB user area AppU0: DW 0,0,10,0 ; reserved,>IN,BASE,STATE ; start in HEX mk DW RAMDICT ; DP DW 0,0 ; SOURCE init'd elsewhere DW lastword ; LATEST DW 0,0 ; HP,LP init'd elsewhere DW FLASHSTART ; IDP DW 0 ; NEWEST not init'd DW DOTCOLD ; app DW 0 ; CAPS off DW 0 ; OEMIT ; XT of EMIT DW 0 ; user variables TBD END